Moodle hosting plans:

Not sure which hosting plan you require? take a look from our selection below, if you have any special requirements that are outside the below plans contact us and we can create something competitive to accomodate you.

What is Moodle?

Moodle (acronym for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) (stylised in lower-case as moodle) is a free software e-learning platform, also known as a Learning Management System, or Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Source

Using Softaculous (from your cPanel) to install Joomla is a simple one click, it will even keep itself up to date for you

Is Moodle widely used?

Yes, Moodle had a user-base of 55,110 registered sites with 44,966,541 users in 4,763,446 courses in 214 countries and in more than 75 languages. Source That's everyone in New Zealand times TEN just in users.

If that many people use it, it's got to be good right.


  • Hosted Websites1
  • Disk space5 GB
  • Email boxes2
  • Parked Domains1
  • Sub Domains1
  • MySQL Databases1
  • Support24/7
  • SetupFree
  • Annual Discount10%
€ 4.95 p/m€ 53.46 per year
(save € 5.94)

How do I install Moodle?

Using Softaculous (from your cPanel) to install Joomla is a simple one click, it will even keep itself up to date for you

Why do you recommend your Wordpress Plan?

It's a great sized plan for any CMS, we called the plan Wordpress as that is the most popular CMS, but you can use the plan for anything you want and it'd be just great for your new Moodle site.

Why choose us for your Moodle site?

Great price, great support, and we care about how fast your site loads. We go the whole mile, HTTP/2, free SSL's and LiteSpeed webserver

Why make my site in Moodle?

Moodle is easy to use, it's intuitive, it's feature rich. Moodle is Student-Centered/Active Learning, interactive and it's free, so why not give it a try.